Dental Crowns and Bridges 

We are pleased to help our patients improve and protect their smiles with clean, durable dental crowns and bridges. These procedures enable us to repair damaged teeth, protect weakened teeth and replace teeth that could not be saved. These are both relatively simple, fast treatments that can have you smiling again in very short order.  


A dental crown is a durable, tooth-colored cap that covers a tooth to strengthen and protect it after some kind of damage has occurred. The damaged tooth must first be reshaped to allow the crown to fit over it. A temporary crown is placed on the prepared tooth and a lab begins to manufacture the crown. When it is ready, usually a week or two later, we securely cement the crown onto the tooth.  

Any of the following situations may call for a crown: 


  • A large filling may weaken a tooth but a crown can protect it from fracturing.
  • Root canal therapy preserves the structure of a tooth but it will become brittle. A crown helps keep it from breaking. 
  • Cusps (points) may break off a tooth if it fractures. A crown preserves the remaining tooth tissue. 
  • Teeth grinding wears down teeth and may become so serious that crowns are needed to restore their natural shape.
  • Crowns are also used for cosmetic improvement of discolored or poorly shaped teeth. 


When one or two teeth in a row are missing, a dental bridge can quickly fill the gap and restore the smile to normal. The procedure for a bridge is initially similar to that of a crown. The two teeth on either side of the gap must be shaped to accept crowns. An impression is taken of the gap plus these two prepared teeth and then the bridge is manufactured at a dental lab we trust. While this happens, we place temporary crowns on the two prepared teeth. 

When the bridge is ready, we remove the temporary crowns and check the fit of the bridge. It should fit perfectly onto the prepared teeth. If any adjustments are needed, we make these immediately and then cement the bridge into place. Your smile is now restored. 

Call Us When You Need Help 

We are delighted at the number of people from Mount Vernon, Yonkers, New Rochelle and smaller communities in our area who have chosen us for their care. At Sparkle Dental in Mount Vernon, we are staffed with experts in many different specialties, including treatment of the soft tissue of your teeth, your gums and the alignment of your smile. We also offer cosmetic dentistry in addition to providing routine care such as cleanings, examinations, fillings and dental crowns and bridges.  

Come experience the kind of superior care our dentists, hygienists and other staff provide for every patient. We look forward to meeting you for the first time, or seeing you the next time you arrive in our office.  

To ask questions about your dental care or our office, or to schedule an appointment, please call (914) 278-2475today. 

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For Our New Patients 

Are you a new patient at Sparkle Dental? Make sure you fill out our new patient forms. Make sure that you print out and complete these forms before your first appointment. This will help us to speed up the new patient registration process.  

New Patient Forms

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