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Dental Emergencies 

Everyone knows how painful dental emergencies can be! This is truly a time when you need emergency dental services at the first moment possible. We feel it’s vital for our patients and our nearby communities to have access to this service and so make priority appointments available as quickly as possible.  

As soon as an emergency occurs, please call our office in Mount Vernon, New York. We are located in the Stevens Professional Center on Stevens Avenue. We have a rich selection of experts to help resolve your pain or injury. Our expertise ranges from general dentistry and tooth replacement all the way to anesthesiology, restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. Whatever problem you may suffer, we can help relieve your pain and restore your smile. 

Immediate Actions You Can Take 

Until you arrive for your emergency dental care, there are many ways you can relieve your own pain and discomfort. Follow these guidelines below until you can reach our office. 

  • Knocked-Out Tooth 

    A knocked-out tooth needs the fastest care of any dental emergency. If the tooth can be restored to its socket within 30 minutes, there is a chance of its survival. It’s important to not touch the tooth by its root but only by the hard white crown. 

    If possible, slip the tooth back in its socket. If this can’t be done, an adult could hold the tooth inside the cheek. (A child might accidentally swallow the tooth.) This is an excellent way to keep the root from drying out which improves the chance it can survive. The tooth could also be stored in a container with milk while you rush to the dentist. It must still be replaced in the socket within a half an hour.

  • Chipped or Broken Tooth 

    Teeth can suddenly be broken or chipped if you bite into an hard object, use your teeth as tools (biting your nails or another object) or if one of your teeth has simply deteriorated enough that a piece broke off.

    If the tooth is bleeding, take a piece of gauze and press it on the tooth. Afterwards, press a cold pack to the cheek outside the tooth. This can help reduce the pain. 

    You can also rinse your mouth with warm water. If you can find the chipped or broken piece, save it to bring to the dentist’s office. 

  • Toothache 

    When you have a toothache, it is not possible to know the cause until you can see one of our dentists. It’s essential you call for an appointment as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can try flossing around the tooth very gently in case there is a particle of food trapped in the gum that is causing the ache. Every few hours, you can rinse the area with warm salt water to reduce swelling. An over-the-counter pain reliever can be used. 

    It is suggested that you do not fly when you have a toothache because the changes in air pressure can make the ache worse. 

  • Loosened Tooth 

    If a tooth has been loosened in an accident, it may still be viable as long as it is still connected to its blood supply and nerves in the gums. When you arrive at our office, we can create a support for the tooth to keep it stable while it heals. 

    To relieve the pain until you can see our dentists, apply a cold compress to the cheek. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also help. 

  • Lost Filling, Crown or Bridge 

    Fillings that are several years old can be lost if the tooth under the filling has suffered some deterioration or a cavity. This loosens the filling which can then come out. 

    A crown or bridge can also become loose and fall off. Go to a pharmacy and ask for dental cement. NEVER USE ANY OTHER KIND OF GLUE, especially not Superglue. 

    Coat the inside of the crown or bridge with dental cement and press it back into place. Once it seems correctly placed, bite down on the crown or bridge.

    Dental cement can also be used to cover a tooth that has lost a filling which can be helpful if the exposed tooth is sensitive to cold or sweets. 

    This repair with dental cement has a better chance of success if you can avoid chewing on the affected tooth for the first few hours. 

    Be sure to call for an appointment, especially if you are in pain. 

  • Abscessed Tooth or Gum 

    An abscess will usually show up as swelling around the base of a tooth or sometimes as a pimple on the gum. Rinse the tooth and gum frequently to help eliminate the toxins in the area. Call right away for an appointment to prevent any infection from spreading.

Call (914) 359-2793

Our Emergency Dental Services are Readily Available to You 

If you are in or near Mount Vernon, New York, we are happy to help you with any emergency dental care needed by you or your family. We see patents from Yonkers, New Rochelle, Larchmont, Tuckahoe, Eastchester and parts of the Bronx.  

When we receive a call from a patient, or a person who is not yet our patient but needs emergency dental care, our staff go right to work to find a time they can be seen. It’s important to us to help our patients and others in our community get out of pain. Once the immediate emergency has been resolved, we can schedule that patient for further care to complete their treatment.  

If the only option is an emergency dental extraction of a tooth that can’t be saved, we are available to provide this help. In every other case, we will help you save every tooth that can possibly be saved.  

Please call us as soon as you or a loved one needs help for a dental emergency. We will find room for you in our practice. Our hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Please call us at (914) 359-2793to get help as soon as the emergency strikes! We look forward to saving your smile and relieving your discomfort.  

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For Our New Patients 

Are you a new patient at Sparkle Dental? Make sure you fill out our new patient forms. Make sure that you print out and complete these forms before your first appointment. This will help us to speed up the new patient registration process.  

New Patient Forms

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