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Have a Toothache? 7 Serious Reasons to Visit the Dentist ASAP

Sparkle Dental • Mar 02, 2019

Have you recently been feeling consistent pain in one or multiple teeth? Learn why you should never ignore a toothache.

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Going to the dentist is not a task any of us look forward to. It’s not a very comfortable experience, and depending on your insurance situation, it can get expensive quick. So when we have a toothache, many of us may be tempted to just ignore it and hope it goes away on its own.

But toothaches, like any other kind of pain, are our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong. Ignoring a toothache can lead to serious and expensive consequences. Read on to find seven serious reasons you should visit the dentist ASAP.

1. Infection

A toothache may mean an infection, which can turn into big problems in a hurry. Many of us just tend to dismiss infections, especially with our teeth. We’ll just be extra careful brushing for the next few days, and it will go away on its own, right?

But left untreated, infections can lead to a dangerous condition called sepsis, or septic shock. Sepsis happens when your immune system starts attacking itself. This can lead to organs shutting down and, eventually, death; it’s not worth risking that to avoid a trip to the dentist.

2. Wisdom Teeth

If you’re in your twenties, your toothache could also be caused by your wisdom teeth starting to come in. Your wisdom teeth sit at the back of your jaw, and for some people, they come in fine and never cause any problems. But enough of us have problems with them that it’s become common practice for everyone to get their wisdom teeth removed just in case.

If you’re at an age where you might be getting your wisdom teeth and you still have yours, you should see a dentist about your toothache. It may be that you’re experiencing some pain as a natural part of your wisdom teeth coming in. Or your wisdom teeth could be coming in sideways and grinding away at one of your other teeth.

3. Gum Disease

Many of us think of gum disease as something dentists in those toothpaste commercials like to talk about. But the real condition is serious and not something you want to let go for a long time. What started off as a simple toothache could wind up putting you at a greater risk for stroke, diabetes, gum disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

There are two primary types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontal. Gingivitis is the one you may have heard of before, which causes swelling, redness, and bleeding gums when you brush your teeth. Periodontal disease affects your bones and the surrounding tissue in your mouth and can lead to tooth loss.

4. Nerve Exposure

Nerve exposure is not something any of us want to deal with anywhere in our bodies. But imagine trying to chew on a nice juicy steak or eat popcorn with an exposed nerve ending in your mouth. That may be what you’re dealing with if you have a toothache, and it will only get worse with time.

Our teeth have nerves at the center of their core that are usually protected by your tooth enamel. But if that enamel gets damaged and the nerve gets exposed (what we usually call a cavity), you can experience significant pain. If you have a cavity, you should see your dentist to get it filled as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

5. Dental Abscesses

If a cavity doesn’t sound like a good day, how do you feel about dental abscesses? Ignoring your cavity for long enough can land you with one of these fun little conditions. Without getting too gruesome about it, a dental abscess occurs when a cavity gets so deep that an infection can form at the base of the tooth.

There are several treatment options for a dental abscess, each one as fun as the next. The first thing your dentist can do is open up and drain the abscess; if that fails, they may do a root canal or just pull the infected tooth. The moral of the story is go to the dentist when your tooth starts hurting in the first place.

6. Tooth Collapse

Just for the sake of discussion, let’s say you ignore the gum disease, the cavity, the nerve exposure, and the dental abscess. At this point, for one thing, you’re going to be in considerable pain; seriously, is avoiding the dentist worth all that? But for another thing, you’re going to be looking at a potential tooth collapse.

Now much like the other items on this list, tooth collapse is every bit as fun as it sounds and more. What will happen is the cavity in your tooth will get so bad that the core of your tooth rots out, and the tooth splits in half. Once you get to this point, there is nothing your dentist can do except pull the tooth and start talking to you about implant possibilities.

7. More Money on Dental Bills

If you still need another reason to go see the dentist when your tooth is hurting, we’ve got a good one for you: the sooner you go, the less money you’ll spend. As you might expect, the less complicated your treatment regimen is, the less money you’ll have to pay for it. So let’s break down exactly how much money you’re looking at saving.

If you have to get a cavity filled, you’re looking at between $100 and $200, depending on the type of filling and your particular situation. For a root canal to treat a dental abscess, you’re going to pay about $1,000. And if you have to have a tooth pulled and an implant put in, you could pay as much as $3,000 per implant.

Take Care of Your Toothache

None of us like going to the dentist, but it is an important part of maintaining your oral hygiene. A toothache can be so much more than just a toothache, and it’s not worth the risk of ignoring it. If you have a tooth that’s hurting, make an appointment with a dentist today.

If you’re in the Mount Vernon area and looking for a dentist, come see us at Sparkle Dental. We provide all the care that your smile will ever need. Contact us today to make an appointment.

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