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Can a Dentist in Mount Vernon NY Fix My Uneven Teeth?

allen • Mar 25, 2023

If you have a set of uneven teeth (even if it's just in a small area), then you may feel embarrassed. Here's what a dentist in Mount Vernon NY can do for you.

uneven teeth, Dentist in Mount Vernon NY

It's estimated that 9 out of every 10 Americans have misaligned teeth. And three-quarters of Americans do not have room for their wisdom teeth to emerge safely.

This shows just how common it is for adults to struggle with uneven teeth. This is something that a dentist in Mount Vernon, NY, could help with.

Crooked teeth are a cosmetic and functional issue for your oral health. Because of this, it is always a good idea to get this problem corrected.

Keep reading to find out how uneven teeth can be fixed.

What Causes Uneven Teeth?

Some people are born with a higher risk of dental issues. This includes overcrowded teeth due to the size and shape of their jaw and facial structure.

Some people also have smaller or larger teeth that can impact how they align. Conditions such as poor tooth or palate development can also impact this.

It is very common for uneven teeth to start to show themselves when you are younger. But this is something that adults can also develop as their mouth changes.

You may want to have a straight smile so that your teeth aren’t overlapping. This is not just an appearance issue, as some may think.

Having overcrowded teeth also provides a functional problem that could result in damage to teeth. It is not good for them to overlap as this creates more room for plaque.

You may struggle to keep your teeth clean, especially after eating something. There are more crevices and cracks for bacteria to start developing.

Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions for Uneven Teeth

If you struggle with crooked teeth, you may want to see a cosmetic dentist. This is one of the many dental issues that the majority of the population struggles with.

The good news is that there are several solutions that can provide treatment. Even if you have poorly aligned teeth, there is a solution to give you that straight smile you want.

You will need to book a consultation to discuss this with a dentist. They will be able to examine your teeth and give you a recommendation for the best treatment option.


Some people have teeth that are unevenly shaped, causing overcrowding problems. This can result in invasive options like extracting teeth to provide more room.

The good news is that there is a better option that will not be nearly as invasive. That option is veneers, a treatment made into thin shells that fit on the front of your teeth.

These are usually made from porcelain or composite resin. A thin layer of your enamel's removed to create a smooth surface for the veneers to attach to.

With proper care, veneers can last a very long time. There are temporary or permanent options depending on your situation.

You can also remove veneers at your request by your dentist. This is an option that anyone could use to get their desired smile.

Dental Bonding

Another quick procedure is called dental bonding. This is when a composite resin is applied to your teeth and sculpted into the shape that's desired.

Bonding can fill in gaps or create a more aligned look. This does not treat the issue; rather it's used to disguise it to make your smile look straighter.

This is a dental procedure that is also used to repair discolored teeth. The composite resin will look like your real teeth, only improving their appearance.


Another great option for uneven teeth is clear aligners. These work very much like braces, but they are completely invisible to the naked eye.

These aligners are custom-made trays that you change every few weeks. They will slowly readjust your teeth so they are straighter, just like braces would.

These liner trays can also be removed when you are eating or drinking. But this is still a huge commitment since you will need to wear them for the better part of each day.


The more traditional option is to have braces. Braces use metal brackets that are attached to the front of your teeth and connected with wires to straighten them.

This treatment could take months or years for your teeth to be realigned. This is a more effective option if you also struggle with an overbite or an underbite.

The downside to this is that braces can be uncomfortable and are high maintenance.


If you choose to have crowns as your treatment, this is a very simple process. A tooth-shaped cap is used to cover the entire tooth above the gum line.

This is also a popular option for damaged teeth that have sustained decay. They can also be used to add length if your teeth are on the short side.


A treatment your dentist may recommend is contouring. This is when a tooth is reshaped through contouring to fix any irregularities.

This can repair any chips or spacing issues you may be having. A thin layer of the enamel is removed and improves how your smile appears without being invasive.

Dentist in Mount Vernon, NY: Uneven Teeth

If you suffer from uneven teeth, you may want to get this problem fixed. The good news is that there are several treatment options, depending on your situation.

You can visit a dentist in Mount Vernon, NY, to get their recommendations. This is important since certain treatments may be more suitable for the dental issue you have.

Do you want to see a cosmetic dentist? Contact us today at Sparkle Dental to book an appointment online.

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