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8 Dental Services From Sparkle Dental You Can Trust

Sparkle Dental • Apr 24, 2023

Sparkle Dental can take care of many of your dental needs. Find the many quality dental services offered by the Sparkle Dental team here.

dental services, Dentist in Mount Vernon NY

People who don't go to the dentist often enough can end up with bleeding gums, cavities, and more. If you don't want to deal with these issues, you need to seek dental services frequently. Most experts suggest that you get dental checkups at least twice a year.

Other dental treatments should happen whenever you need them. The best way you can learn that you need other dental procedures is through a dental checkup. The dentist there can then refer you to another clinic if they don't offer that procedure. 

The clinic you need may be Sparkle Dental. Read on to learn about some of our services. You may need at least one of them.

1. Preventative and Cleaning Procedures

Our dentists use preventative dental procedures to prevent the emergence of worse oral health issues. One of these preventative procedures is cleaning. By cleaning the tartar off your teeth, the dentist will prevent it from destroying your teeth. 

Preventative tooth care procedures also involve examining your teeth in other ways. Our dentist will take X-rays of your teeth. This will help them notice any issues with the roots and/or under the enamel. 

The dentist will also check every corner of your mouth. While they do this, they will check for any noticeable signs of decay or other problems. They will also see if any of your existing dental work has worn down. 

2. Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry procedures include dental procedures used to better the appearance of your smile. Do you have a chipped tooth or crooked teeth?

Our cosmetic procedures can help you fix these issues. 

For example, we can put veneers on your teeth. These are thin, white porcelain shells that can fix several visual issues. They can lengthen teeth, make them smaller or bigger, close gaps between teeth, etc. 

Whitening is another procedure that we offer. Teeth can become yellow or discolored by the foods we eat. By whitening your teeth, our dentists can give your teeth back their white glow. 

3. Invisalign

Invisalign is a form of cosmetic dentistry procedure. Much like braces, they straighten out your teeth. The main difference is that the Invisalign aligner won't be nearly as visual as braces. 

You will only have to wear a series of aligners for a year or more. Once each aligner has shifted your teeth, you will switch to another one. Aligner switching usually happens every week or two. 

You'll only need to remove your aligners to eat or clean your teeth. You can also remove them for special events if you feel shy. But you should wear them at least 22 hours a day. 

4. Dental Crowns and Bridges

Crowns are a type of dental cap that protects the teeth after they've sustained any form of damage. Examples include damage caused by teeth grinding, tooth fractures, and so on. We will usually reshape your tooth so that the crown fits on top of it. 

The procedure to put a bridge in your mouth initially includes crowns. When a few teeth are missing in a row, our dentists will reshape the teeth on either side of the gap. The bridge will then go over the gap and the teeth on either side of it. 

5. Extractions

Even if you follow the right tooth care practices, things can still go wrong with your teeth. For example, your tooth may be impacted (ie not emerging from the jaw correctly). In such a situation, you'll need an extraction. 

Extractions are either simple or complex. During simple extractions, our dentists can separate the tooth from the tissue and pull it out. With complex extractions, we need to take a more complicated approach. 

We also perform surgical wisdom teeth extractions. This process involves opening the gum tissue to access the tooth. We may also need to break up the tooth to fully extract it. 

6. Dental Implants

Are you missing a tooth? If so, we can replace it with a dental implant. These are firmly stuck in your jaw and you won't have to take them out and soak them at night. 

Our dental implants consist of a titanium post and an artificial tooth. We will attach the post to your jawbone first. Then we attract the artificial tooth on top of the titanium post. 

You won't have to worry about your body rejecting the titanium post. Titanium allergies do not exist. 

7. Root Canals

A lot of movies and television shows have given root canals a bad rap. Yes, root canals are complicated procedures. However, in our dentists' capable hands, it should be a quick and comfortable process. 

Root canals are necessary when bacteria penetrate the inner tissue (or pulp) of teeth. During this procedure, one of our dentists will clean out your tooth's pulp. The dentist will then replace this pulp with a sterile material. 

This will involve drilling into your tooth. However, your dentist will numb the area before the procedure. You shouldn't feel anything. 

8. Emergency Dentistry

Many dental emergencies need to be dealt with right away. Examples of these emergencies include knocked-out teeth, chipped teeth, and a loosened tooth. 

We're unfortunately not available 24/7. However, we can make room for any emergencies in our schedule. Call our office as soon as an emergency occurs. 

Try Sparkle Dental Services

Give your teeth the proper care that they need. If you do, they should last you for your entire life. 

And teeth serve your appearance and dietary needs well. So you probably want them to stick around for as long as possible. 

Our dental services here at Sparkle Dental will help you preserve your smile. We also care for each patient as an individual. Learn more about our services by contacting us today

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