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Teeth Whitening Results: What Can You Expect After Treatment?

Sparkle Dental • Oct 24, 2023

Curious about teeth whitening results? This blog breaks down what you can realistically expect post-treatment for a brighter, more confident smile.

teeth whitening results

Have you ever admired someone's bright, white smile and wondered, "How did they get teeth that white?" 

Odds are, they invested in professional teeth whitening. But before you book your appointment, you probably want to know what results you can expect.

This blog answers common questions about the teeth whitening process. You'll learn how many shades whiter your teeth could get, how long teeth whitening results last, and whether you're a good candidate. Let's get started!

How Many Shades Whiter Will My Teeth Get?

This is the million-dollar question about teeth whitening results. With professional whitening treatments like Philips Zoom teeth whitening, your teeth may lighten by up to eight shades. However, teeth whitening shades vary from person to person based on factors like:

  • Tooth shade before whitening
  • Type of stains on your teeth 
  • Your enamel thickness and porcelain composition

During your initial consultation, your dentist will determine your starting shade using a teeth shade guide. The higher your starting number, the more dramatic your results could be. 

For moderate stain removal, aim for two to four shades lighter. Severely stained teeth could lighten 6-8 shades. Veneers or crowns won't change color.

What Kind of Stains Does Whitening Treat?

Teeth whitening is effective against extrinsic stains caused by factors like coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco. These stains are on the outer layer of the teeth, making them easier to remove. 

Intrinsic stains within the tooth are more challenging to treat. But they can still show improvement with professional whitening. Causes include:

  • Genetic conditions like dentinogenesis imperfecta
  • Fluorosis or enamel hypoplasia
  • Trauma that impacts dentin development
  • Aging as enamel thins and yellows over time

Beyond aesthetics, teeth whitening also has health benefits, such as improving oral health by removing stains and discoloration.

Professional teeth whitening is safe with minimal side effects. Remember that everyone's teeth respond differently. Before starting teeth whitening treatment, consult a dental professional to avoid potential complications.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

This is a common question when it comes to teeth whitening. With professional whitening, you can expect your sparkling teeth whitening effects to last between one and three years. However, the longevity of these results can be influenced by your post-treatment habits.

Avoid These Habits

If you like to drink dark-colored beverages like coffee, tea, or red wine, your teeth may become stained again. The same applies to those who smoke cigarettes or marijuana, as these substances can cause discoloration. 

Eating pigmented foods, such as berries or tomato sauce, can reduce the longevity of teeth-whitening results.

Commit to Better Habits

Developing better oral care habits can help your brighter smile last longer. Brush and floss after eating or drinking to remove stains before they set. Also, avoid mouthwashes with alcohol, as they can dry out your enamel.

How Should I Care for My Teeth After Whitening?

Maintaining your teeth whitening results requires diligent post-treatment oral care. Here are some guidelines on what to do after your teeth whitening:

Manage Sensitivity

Maintaining your teeth whitening results requires diligent post-treatment oral care. Right after the treatment, it's essential to steer clear of foods and drinks that cause stains for at least 48 hours. This will give your teeth time to adjust and prevent immediate discoloration.

Brush and Floss

If you don't already have good oral care habits, now's the time to get on it. Regular brushing and flossing after each meal should become a cornerstone of your daily routine. It helps remove any food particles and plaque, which can lead to staining if left unattended.

Drink Water

Staying hydrated is another crucial aspect of post-whitening care. Not only does it keep your mouth moist and healthy, but it also aids in washing away food particles and bacteria. Use lip balm to avoid dry lips, which can sometimes occur after teeth whitening.

What About Side Effects?

Teeth whitening is safe for most people. However some individuals may experience temporary sensitivity or gum irritation. These effects usually subside within a few days.

Sensitivity from whitening is common but temporary. Over-the-counter pain medication can provide relief. Dehydration tends to resolve within a few hours.

Certain conditions may increase the risk of complications. Remember to disclose any damaged teeth, fillings, crowns, or gum disease. You should also tell your orthodontist if you've had chemotherapy or radiation around your head and neck.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Determining who is a suitable candidate for teeth whitening requires a few considerations. Most people can safely undergo this cosmetic procedure.

Individuals with mild-to-moderate staining see the best results. The presence of saliva is also a crucial factor, as it helps neutralize acid and aids in remineralization. Both are essential for maintaining healthy white teeth.

Enamel Thickness

A sufficient amount of enamel is required for the bleach to penetrate effectively and yield the desired whitening results. Therefore, those with adequate enamel thickness often qualify for teeth whitening.

Healthy Teeth

Oral health plays a significant role in determining suitability for teeth whitening. Individuals in good oral health with no active decay or gum disease are ideal candidates for the procedure. 

Thus, while most people can safely whiten their teeth, these factors help identify those likely to achieve the most satisfying results.

Potential Complications

Treatments like bonds, crowns, or veneers won't change color. Talk to your dentist about whitening if you have these restrictions.

Certain conditions like tooth decay, gum disease, or exposed roots may complicate teeth whitening. Your dentist will assess your oral health before the treatment and recommend the best action.

Ready to Experience Teeth Whitening Results Yourself?

Now that you know what to expect from professional teeth whitening, are you ready to transform your smile? 

Our whitening kits are custom-tailored to your teeth needs for the best results. We'll also provide post-care tips to make your white smile last. 

Visit our website today and request your appointment to get started on teeth whitening results that'll have you smiling in no time. We can't wait to consult with you on achieving the bright, confident smile you deserve!

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