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Emergency Dentistry: When Do You Need Urgent Care?

May 30, 2023

Emergency dentistry can save your smile when you need it. Here's how a Mount Vernon NY dentist can help when you need urgent care.

emergency dentistry, Dentist in Mount Vernon NY

Emergency dentistry is a service you'll hopefully never need. However, around 2 million people seek emergency dental services in the U.S. annually. 

People seek services from an emergency dentist when they need immediate services. In other words, you can schedule a regular appointment with a dentist if your services can wait.

But have you ever wondered what constitutes an emergency dental need? Unfortunately, many people find themselves in situations where they wonder about it. Should they go to an emergency dentist or not?

Here is a guide to help you know when you need emergency services and what an emergency dentist offers.

Common Reasons to Seek Emergency Dentistry

A dental emergency is a situation that involves professional care to fix a problem or save a tooth. In some cases, identifying a dental emergency is simple; you see obvious signs.

In other cases, knowing if you need dental care might be more challenging. When in question, contact a dentist in Mount Vernon, NY. Tell them about your situation and ask for advice. 

Here are some common reasons people seek emergency dental care:

Infections or Tooth Aches

Infections can occur in your mouth. Dentists usually call an infection an abscessed tooth. An abscess forms from pus that creates a small pocket. However, the pocket can grow and spread.

You might feel a small bump in your mouth, which might hurt. You might also experience other signs, including face swelling and a sore neck. Most people also experience severe tooth pain from an abscess.

An abscess is an infection, but it's not the only type of infection you can have in your mouth. You might also experience an infection in the roots of a tooth, requiring a root canal.

An infection can cause pain and often requires an antibiotic to kill the infection. After that, a dentist can fix the problem, if necessary.

Knocked Out or Loose Teeth

Seeking emergency dental care is also imperative if you have a loose tooth. In addition, you must seek help if a tooth gets knocked out. 

Permanent teeth should not loosen. After all, they're permanent teeth and should remain as long as you live. 

A permanent tooth might loosen from grinding too much while sleeping. It can also occur from trauma or force to the mouth. 

People experience knocked-out teeth for many reasons. If you lose a tooth like this, grab the tooth. Your dentist will ask for it, as they might try to reinsert it.

It might occur from trauma occurring during a car accident. It can happen from playing contact sports. It can also occur for many other reasons.

Knocked-out teeth need immediate attention, as this increases the chances of the dentist saving the tooth.

You might also consider visiting a dentist if you crack or chip a tooth.


While rare, there are times when people experience bleeding from the mouth that won't stop. The bleeding typically occurs from trauma, such as a car collision or sports accident.

If you're bleeding a lot, even if you don't see a tooth problem, visit an emergency dentist. 

Locked Jaw

Locked jaw is a condition that commonly accompanies temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. However, it can also happen for other reasons -- some of which are more serious.

Locked jaw can prevent you from opening or closing your jaw freely. The more common symptoms are extreme jaw pain and limited motion.

While TMJ is often the culprit of it, you can also experience it from tetanus. Tetanus is a bacterial infection that can be deadly. As a result, doctors recommend getting routine tetanus shots to prevent it.

Additionally, locked jaw can happen from too much stress. It can also occur from arthritis and excessive chewing. 

You might not need dental care if you have minor jaw issues. However, you will need professional care for major jaw issues, pain, and movement problems.

What an Emergency Dentist Offers

Emergency dentists provide immediate care for dental emergencies. A dentist can examine the problem and take the necessary steps to treat it. 

Call the emergency dentist as soon as you encounter a problem. The dental clinic will ask some questions about the issue and confirm if it's an emergency. If so, they'll instruct you to come to the office.

The clinic might also give you some instructions. For example, they might suggest placing a knocked-out tooth back in your mouth. Putting it in its original socket might improve the chances of saving the tooth. 

Following their instructions is vital for any dental emergency. Next, get to the clinic to see a dentist.

Once you're there, the dentist will examine the situation. They might identify the problem by looking at it. They might also need to take x-rays to get a closer look at the situation. 

The dentist will fix the problem in the best way. For example, they might be able to place a splint in your mouth to hold the tooth in place. Some teeth will reattach from this procedure.

However, the procedure might not work in all cases. If the tooth doesn't reattach to your mouth, the dentist can insert a dental implant. You won't know how the tooth will react for several weeks. 

An emergency dentist in Mount Vernon, NY, might treat an abscessed tooth with antibiotics. This can improve the chances of saving the tooth. A dentist can remove the tooth, though, if they suspect they can't save it.

Dentists use other procedures to address tooth emergencies, depending on the situation.

Contact an Emergency Dentist Immediately

If you're suffering from one of the issues listed here, you probably need emergency dentistry services. If you're in question, it's safer to call than ignore it. 

Contact us at Sparkle Dental if you need emergency dental services. We can help you through your dental emergency, but we also offer other services. Check out the rest of our website for more information.

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